Thrive Leadership Foundation Blog & Resources
Closing The Gap Week 2 – “God Comes to Us…”
Each year we seem to add to our Christmas celebration with decorations, lights, events, etc. as we try to create the perfect Christmas. But maybe it’s time to subtract. For 2,000 years we’ve added so many trappings to Christmas that the reality has gotten lost and our...
Closing The Gap Week 1 – “The REAL Christmas”
Advent 2020 – Closing the Gap 2020 has been a different year, to say the least. As we have experienced life through social distancing ourselves from one another, we’ve developed this “gap” in our relationships. And though we’ve tried to close that gap, it is still...
My Daddy’s Closet
It feels like just yesterday, when our daughters, aged 7 and 5, were dressed in mommy and daddy’s clothes. The oldest in daddy’s suit, tie and hat with a painted mustache and beard. The youngest in one of my dresses, long beads, high heels and lipstick. They were...
He’s Making New Wine!
God is singing over His vineyard. Do you hear His voice of love during these uncertain times? But more than that, are you sensing what is in the heart of The Unseen One as He sings? How I love to ponder and then rest in God's fatherly heart toward His children: His...
God Doesn’t Talk To Me!
“Miss Lynn, I talk to God but He doesn’t talk to me!” said my 7 year old friend. So I taped a hand written invitation to his door, inviting him for hot chocolate and a game of checkers on my front porch. I asked him, “When you read my invitation, who did you think...
“Daddy, Over Here!”
The colorful lights of the amusement park are glowing and the festive music is playing. A toddler is excitedly tugging on daddy’s hand, “Hurry Daddy, we have to get in line! We don’t want to miss the ride! Come on, Daddy! Hurry up! This way!” The toddler pulls extra...
Stirred Up
“Lynn, when you get mad your eyes get big and you spit.” said my spiritual father when I was in my 20’s. True story! I was born and bred in a family of 9 where the loudest one with the most drama won. And I like to win. Just for the record, I don’t intentionally...
Can You See His Eyes?
Pssst……. I don’t remember how, but I have a hunch chocolate chips were involved. Our children were trained by the age of 3; when they heard my “Pssst…”, to look up into the eyes of momma. Once our eyes met, it only took a movement of my head, facial expression or a...
Circle Around
When was the last time you sincerely asked God for help instead of jumping into a situation? And then you waited before you went straight up... nose to nose, toe to toe? David heard the enemies. He was a seasoned warrior. He instantly knew what was necessary for...
Leading With a Different Spirit
Leaders have visions. Christians have visions. Ideas and dreams that we believe God has given us to fulfill. This can be new lands to conquer or simply new lands in which we find ourselves. There are no familiar landmarks in new lands. And there is probably...
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