by Lynn Jackson | Dec 12, 2022 | Celebrate, Christmas, Cynicism, Remember
The God of the Bible is one of celebration! Just look at the Old Testament. Feasts were commanded — Feasts full of sacrifices, food, music and time spent in celebration. Some feasts lasted days and others weeks. But God called His people to not just...
by Scott Jackson | Dec 24, 2020 | Advent
Are you ready? Christmas Day is almost here… There’s hardly a waking moment that something about Christmas is not right in front of us… lights, decorations, music, special events, shopping, making cookies. And less time to finish it all. But you’re taking the time to...
by Scott Jackson | Dec 6, 2020 | Advent
Each year we seem to add to our Christmas celebration with decorations, lights, events, etc. as we try to create the perfect Christmas. But maybe it’s time to subtract. For 2,000 years we’ve added so many trappings to Christmas that the reality has gotten lost and our...
by Scott Jackson | Nov 30, 2020 | Advent
Advent 2020 – Closing the Gap 2020 has been a different year, to say the least. As we have experienced life through social distancing ourselves from one another, we’ve developed this “gap” in our relationships. And though we’ve tried to close that gap, it is still...
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