Thrive Leadership Foundation Vision, Story, and Approach
Our Vision
Our vision is to equip God’s people to live and lead from a renewed and empowered life in Christ. While our culture longs to experience rest, to abide in Christ means that we live from it. Jesus gave his disciples the secret to living a fruitful and fulfilling life when he said:
“I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing.”
(John 15:5)
When we work toward rest we often miss it altogether—finding ourselves living exhausted and powerless. When we live and lead from a life rooted in Christ, discovering our rest and identity in him, we are renewed and empowered to live on mission with him. This is where life to the fullest is found. (John 10:10) Strong spiritual leadership is a picture of a thriving, healthy branch vitally connected to the vine. The duty and delight of the branch is to rest, grow, and bear fruit as it abides in the vine, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Story
We love ministry leaders and have dedicated our lives to serving and equipping the greater body of Christ. Through our own experience of living on empty and personal journey of being renewed by the gospel, God began to burden and shape our hearts around a vision of vibrant and fruitful ministry leadership.
At Thrive Leadership Foundation, we are creating intentional space for ministry leaders where they can not only find rest, but the rhythm needed to thrive in both their public and personal lives.
We seek partnerships that reconnect ministry leaders to their true source; a deep and abiding connection with Jesus. We believe that when the light of Christ restores our hope and joy, it fuels a leader’s life and produces greater kingdom impact. Our motivation is to see healthy leaders shaping healthy cultures that demonstrate and proclaim the fullness of Jesus’ message and mission.
Our Approach




Our Leadership
Scott & Lynn Jackson
Scott Jackson is the CEO & Co-Founder of Thrive Leadership Foundation. His wife, Lynn works alongside of him as Co-Founder and Partnership Development. Prior to co-founding THRIVE, they were Northeast Directors for Churches In Missions for 11 years. With CiM they trained and took teams on short term mission trips both here and abroad. Scott also served as Vice President of Administration. Prior to CiM, they served in the pastorate for 22 years at Warrington Fellowship Church in Warrington, Pennsylvania. Scott received his Bachelor Degree in Bible from Lancaster Bible College and his Masters of Divinity from Biblical Theological Seminary. Lynn received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from College of The Ozarks.
Scott and Lynn have an extensive speaking ministry here and abroad. Their speaking ministries include: pulpit supply, retreats and conferences for Pastors and wives, church staff and retreats for men, women or couples as well as mission conferences. They enjoy speaking as a couple or individually.
The Jacksons understand the terrain and mix of family life and answering the call of full time ministry. They have 4 adult children, 3 in-law children and 7 grandchildren. Scott and Lynn have been married for over 35 years and currently reside in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Paul & Barbara Hatmacher
Dr. Paul Hatmacher was co-founder of THRIVE Leadership Foundation. He was so vital to the mission of Thrive before he went home to be with the Lord in Nov. 2022. He and his wife Barbara had experiences that encompass pastoring four churches in Ohio, Virginia and Pennsylvania and living as missionaries both here and abroad. In addition to co-founding THRIVE Leadership Foundation, the Hatmachers founded Churches in Missions, a ministry dedicated to short term missions. He and his wife Barbara have also served with Trans World Radio and Mainland China Mission. Dr. Hatmacher ministered the Word in 51 countries, speaking in Bible Conferences, churches, underground churches and mission conferences. He has been a college professor and has spoken in more than a dozen universities. He received his education from Ohio University, Piedmont International University and Dallas Theological Seminary. Barbara continues to resides in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.